Monday, March 3, 2008

Beautiful Day


Matthew 11:28-30

"Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."

What a beautiful day it is here, yes bright, sunny and warm. But yet another day that God has given to us. I woke up to my beautiful family and yes those yucky, slobbery doggy kisses. But how wonderful everything looks in a different light when you really let go of your problems and TRUST God. This is just one of my favorite Scriptures when going through a difficult time and it does really help when I read this and keep reminding myself to not just pray for the strength to get through my hard times but to also trust God and let my burdens go and rest in him.

Today is just so warm that I have our house all opened up letting the fresh air in and getting some cleaning done in between sitting outside enjoying the weather. I just can't help myself just dancing around with my broom and vacuum cleaner. Well dh or children aren't available so those were my options then decided to teach Lady Annabelle to dance, got a short video of her so anyone that enjoys those cute little doggies let's hope I can get this to work

This is Teddy and Sarah's baby from last June, she has gotten so big and is just spoiled rotten, not like you can tell or anything, right :) Toby is there on the floor running around of course wanting his attention as well.

Another thing that I would like to share is a pic of our oldest son Chris, 17 1/2 and in his AROTC uniform. He has been trying to get into the military and has been having trouble passing his ASVAB's so he is now in ROTC in school. This is a pic of him in his uniform for the first time. He looks so grown up, mom just isn't ready for this. I'm working on used to the idea that my baby is growing up and a young man. I am very proud of him and his choices of late. Especially with the things that have been thrown his way and what he has had to overcome.



I know I'm a bit prejudiced here as mom but isn't he just so handsome ????

Well that is all about all that is going on around this house, except that I have manage to also make homemade Chicken Noodle Soup, with all these colds/flu going through here. Going to get the troops in and cleaned up for dinner and fix some Blueberry muffins for hubby as a surprise when he gets home from work, since I just found out that he's having a stressful day, so what better thing to be greeted with a cup of tea and his fav. muffin and well of course a hug from his wife to end his day.

God Bless everyone, hope everyone has enjoyed their day, even those getting SNOWSTORMS :)

1 comment:

Bella Rae said...

There wouldn't be anything better than what you've got planned. You're wonderful! Steven is such a lucky man!! You are a fantastic wife and mother :) xo

Your son is very handsome dressed up in his uniform!! He's so grown up looking, isn't he? You must be very proud of him.