Monday, February 25, 2008

Yes I am still here and breathing

It has been along time since I have posted to my blog. Things have just been rather crazy around here with the flu and some rather trying things going on in my life.

First of all we had a new litter of puppies right before Christmas, well I guess I should reword that we didn't, Sarah and Teddy did, lol. What a wonderful Christmas present, she had 5 beautiful little puppies. They have all as of yesterday now have great new homes. Sarah and Teddy will be going to a new home this weekend as well, since some changes are now taking place in our home. I was so happy that I was able to find a place for them that was a good home but also able to keep them together as well. I will miss them terribly but I know they will be happy where they are going. Here are some pics of the pups that I promised

Dec 21 litter

Dec 21 litter

And to those that remember our first litter and the one that I kept, little Miss Annabelle here she is now quite big and 8mths old now

Lady Annabelle

Crocheting wise here I haven't really been doing much but just before Christmas I tested this gorgeous pattern for Anna, Jenna of course tries to wear it all the time and just loves it. You can find the pat at


Everyone here is pretty much over the flu bug, lucky me I got to have two different strains of it, yaaay. We are just praying for Spring to get here as the weather changes are causing alot of people to keep getting sick, and I am so done with Winter. Hubby is loving it though. I like the snow and all don't get me wrong it is just beautiful to watch a good snowstorm but it has just gotten old now, and all this sickness it's causing now, it just has to go.

I also have to say Thank you to the wonderful friends that I have at Lullabies and Lace, you really need to know that you are greatly appreciated for just being there during the good times and the bad. The impact that you have on others with your faith in Christ is just unbelievable, including those that I haven't really discussed my latest struggles with. I really don't know where I would be w/o y'all. God has really sent me a great bunch of angels. And through your prayers, talks and everything, God has answered our prayers and it has been amazing to see how he can work through others as well. As hard as it has been here and still is going to be for awhile I'm sure, I know that God is always with me and is working through me as long as I always look to him. Y'all have strengthened my faith and helped me and continue to help me along this journey.

I'm sure as many others are thinking this, I can only imagine what my reaction would be when my time comes to be with Jesus, OH what a wonderous day that will be!!!!

God Bless Everyone, and have a wonderful day